Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Really Pirate King?

Dear Mariel,

We are writing to you in lieu of Tuesday evening’s Pirate King event. When we had first purchased our tickets we did so in support of our friend Sebastiano. What we came to realize was that the event was very unorganized and some of the actions were inappropriate. For a Catholic Institution, we were surprised to witness these acts of immaturity, and I’m sure Monsignor would be appalled. One of the contestant’s talents was a lap dance and he and the girl basically had sex with clothes on the stage. Many people had turned their heads; actually almost all had done so. We could not believe what we were seeing and there was no humor in this action at all. We feel this event was an absolute embarrassment to our school, for more reasons than just the above mentioned one. Wow taking your clothes off, what a talent! You should totally represent our school as Pirate King, not. Kenny from the Real World/Road Rules challenges was kind enough to come out and support our cause however, he probably left disgusted and fed up because we know most people did. In addition to this, the event took over a full hour to even begin. Those who were running this event could have done something more to inform us why it took so long and in this full hour they notified us only 3 times that the event would start soon. It seemed to us almost all were too intoxicated to focus. As we sit in over priced dorm rooms at this extremely expensive institution we are reflecting on this evening and it makes us sick. And by the way… really? Seton Hall Unsweetened iced tea? Really? Please give us our money back because it was an absolute waste of $7.


Nicole and Sean

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